Harry and Hildred Talbot Memorial Scholarship

Mr. Talbot served as a Superintendent of Marshfield Schools, and later as Mayor (1972-73). Mr. & Mrs. Talbot established a fund to benefit a graduating senior from Marshfield High School who plans to attend college or a vocational/technical school. The recipient must have earned a minimum 2.8 GPA on a 4.0 scale. Preference is given to a student not receiving A+ or other scholarships. Three letters of recommendation, two from teachers and one from a community member well-acquainted with the applicant, must accompany the application. The Marshfield Public Schools Foundation administers the scholarship, based upon the annual investment income of an endowment of $20,000. Funds will be paid at the end of the first semester upon verification of the student’s GPA of 2.5 or above. The award is non-renewable.